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Previous Kingsway Kids Series

Day-to-Day Series

Spring 2020

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Treasure Hunter Series

Spring 2020

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Here are our Kids Resources for MARCH/SPRING BREAK 2021
If you have any questions, email Rose,

At-Home ideas & resources 

Download our at-home resources for games and activity ideas, using things you'll have around the house. 


Learn any of these verses over Spring Break and we'll send you a prize in the mail!  

Memory Verse Videos

Boredom Busters

Need some ideas of what to do? Pick one of these!

  • ​Build something out of the contents of your recycling bin. You could make an animal, or a rocket pack, or a house for one of your toys!

  • Map out a race track around your house. You're the car! On your marks, get set, GO! Try and beat your best time, or come up with as many ways to move around the track as your can (hop, crawl, dance!)

  • Make an outfit out of newspaper or toilet roll!

  • Make Salt Dough


  • Design an Island! Draw it, or build it out of LEGO. What's it like? What's your house like there? Does your island have a name?

  • With Mom or Dad's help, look for a 'Learn to Draw for Kids' tutorial on YouTube. There are so many great videos teaching you how to draw cartoons, animals and more!  

Jesus Storybook Bible Series

Fall 2020

Here are the videos that pair with the activities in your OCTOBER box. 


2. The Beginning: a perfect home

4. A New Beginning

1. The Story and the Song

3. The Terrible Lie

5. A Giant Staircase to Heaven

Here are the videos that pair with the activities in your NOVEMBER box. 

6. Son of Laughter

7. The Present

8.The Girl No One Wanted

Here are the videos that pair with the activities in your DECEMBER box. 


Christmas Part 1. He's Here!

Here's a copy of the sheet that accompanies the story (you'll also find this in your box) 

Christmas Part 2. Light of the Whole World

Here's a copy of the sheet that accompanies the story (you'll also find this in your box) 

Christmas Part 3. The King of all kings

Here's a copy of the sheet that accompanies the story (you'll also find this in your box) 

Here are the videos that pair with the activities in your JANUARY box. 

9.The Forgiving Prince

10. God to the Rescue!

11. God Makes a Way

12. Ten ways to be perfect

Here are the videos that pair with the activities in your FEBRUARY box. 


13. The Warrior Leader

14. The Teeny Weenie...True King!

15. The Young Hero and the Horrible Giant

16. The Good Shepherd

Here are our Kids Resources to go with your APRIL box 2021

17. A little Servant girl and the proud General

18. Operation No More Tears

19. Daniel and the scary sleepover

Here are our Kids Resources to go with your MAY box 2021

20. God's Messenger

21. Get Ready!

(22.-24.) Watch the Christmas story videos again...

25. Heaven Breaks Through

Pepper Experiment

26. Let's Go!

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